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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • prio1 (showstopper)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Drop everything you are doing and solve this ASAP
  • prio2 (high)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Important issues, should be solved soon
  • prio3 (medium)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    It would be nice to solve this in the next 2-4 months.
  • prio4 (low)
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    This might not be worked on in the near future, but we also don't want to forget about it
  • ModuleStorechain
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Classifies issues as related to store chain module of the Plattform.
  • ModuleStore
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Classifies issues as related to store management module of the Plattform.
  • ModulePickup
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Classifies issues as related to store pickup management module of the Plattform.
  • Starter task
    foodsharing-dev / foodsharing
    Low risk and easy to solve (eg: change text only, change one variable name, etc). Can be worked on by new developers.