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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.5.1
    0e9c2d30 · Release 0.5.1 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.5.1
    - `go_vendor_archive create`: don't override manually specified `--output`
  • v0.5.0
    339de40d · Release 0.5.0 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.5.0
    - `cli`: add argcomplete-generated shell completions
    - `doc scenarios`: fix outdated info about go2rpm profile
    - `go_vendor_archive`: fix broken `--help` message
  • v0.4.0
    0172c0c3 · Release 0.4.0 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.4.0
    See the notes for 0.4.0b1.
  • v0.4.0b1
    e3ebc0a9 · Release 0.4.0b1 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.4.0b1
    - `cli`: support compression algorithms other than `xz` (#7, #45)
    - `doc`: add manpages for go_vendor_archive commands (#40)
    - `go_vendor_archive create`: add `--idempotent` flag
    - `go_vendor_archive create`: add `--write-config` flag
    - `go_vendor_archive create`: add missing `--no-use-module-proxy` flag to
        disable default `--use-module-proxy`.
    - `go_vendor_archive create`: change default output file to `vendor.tar.bz2`
        (#7, #46)
    - `go_vendor_archive create`: handle projects without any dependencies (#29)
    - `doc config`: fix markdown syntax error
    - `doc config`: remove stray backtick in archive section
    - `go_vendor_license install`: properly own intermediate directories
  • v0.3.0
    4dc4c1ce · Release 0.3.0 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.3.0
    - `LICENSES`: add Copyright
    - `doc`: add documentation site at
    - `go_vendor_license`: sort license installation filelist
    - `config archive`: make `use_module_proxy` the default
    - `license_detection`: avoid double license validation
    - `packaging`: fix project URLs in Python metadata
    Miscellaneous documentation changes:
    - `doc README`: add Copr status badge
    - `doc Scenarios`: add Manually detecting licenses
    - `doc Scenarios`: document generating specfiles with go2rpm
    - `doc Scenarios`: flesh out manual license detection section
    - `doc`: add
    - `doc`: add Configuration page
    - `doc`: add news to mkdocs site
    - `doc`: fix more em dashes to use proper unicode ligatures
    - `doc`: fix sentence syntax in Scenarios section
    - `docs scenarios`: add explicit section id #manually-detecting-licenses
  • v0.2.0
    72bf1e0c · Release 0.2.0 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.2.0
    - `doc`: use unicode em dashes
    - `license_detection`: add `extra_license_files` field
    - `packaging`: add `` to `%doc`
    - `gomod`: require that the parent module has a license file
    - `all`: remove unnecessary shebangs on non-executable files
    - `doc` `Scenarios`: fix security update example command
    - `doc`: add missing `%setup` `-q` flag to example specfile
    - `go_vendor_license --prompt`: fix path handling
    - `licensing`: fix SPDX expression simplification code
  • v0.1.0
    0d379786 · Release 0.1.0 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.1.0
    - `doc`: add Contributing and Author sections
    - `doc`: update `%prep` section in example specfile to use `%goprep` and remove
      existing vendor directory if it exists in the upstream sources
    - `go_vendor_archive`: add support for overriding dependency versions.
    - `go_vendor_archive`: allow detecting file names from specfile Sources
    - `go_vendor_license report`: add `--write-config` and `--prompt` flags
    - `go_vendor_license`: log which license detector is in use
    - `go_vendor_license`: support automatically unpacking and inspecting archives
    - `go_vendor_license`: support detecting archive to unpack and inspect from
      specfile Sources
    - `license_detection`: allow dumping license data as JSON
    - `license_detection`: fix handling of licenses manually specified in the
    - `licensing`: allow excluding licenses from SPDX calculation
    - `packaging`: add maintainers data to python package metadata
    - `packaging`: flesh out package description
    - `rpm`: add `%go_vendor_license_buildrequires` macro
    - `go_vendor_archive`: move archive creation functionality into a `create`
    - `go_vendor_archive`: run `go mod tidy` by default
    - `all`: properly handle relative and absolute paths throughout the codebase
    - `go_vendor_license`: do not print colored text to stdout when it is not a tty
    - `go_vendor_license`: fix test for missing modules.txt
    - `license_detection trivy`: handle when no licenses are detected
    - `license_detection`: add missing `` file
    - `license_detection`: improve filtering of unwanted paths
  • v0.0.1
    e700c835 · Release 0.0.1 ·
    go-vendor-tools 0.0.1
    Initial release