GPL-2.0-only WITH <libpri OpenH323 exception>
#License Review Request
License name
None (GPL-2.0-only WITH <libpri OpenH323 exception>
Text of license
libpri is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
which permit its use and linking with other GPL'd software only.
The GNU GPL is included in the file LICENSE in this directory.
As a special exception, libpri may also be linked to the OpenH323
library, so long as the entirity of the derivative work (as defined
within the GPL) is licensed either under the MPL of the OpenH323 license
or the GPL of libpri.
If you wish to use libpri in an application for which the GPL is not
appropriate (e.g. a proprietary embedded system), licenses for libpri
under more flexible terms can be readily obtained through Digium, Inc.
at reasonable cost.
The middle paragraph above contains the exception under consideration in this issue.
The file LICENSE
is a standard copy of the GPLv2 text:
From source file headers:
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation. See the LICENSE file included with
* this program for more details.
* In addition, when this program is distributed with Asterisk in
* any form that would qualify as a 'combined work' or as a
* 'derivative work' (but not mere aggregation), you can redistribute
* and/or modify the combination under the terms of the license
* provided with that copy of Asterisk, instead of the license
* terms granted here.
This does not mention the “OpenH323” exception, but it does mention a separate “Asterisk” exception, submitted separately as #76 (closed).
Package name and link to source
dist-git libpri
, GitHub asterisk/libpri
Is this license on the SPDX License List?
No—this is GPL-2.0-only, but with two exceptions that don’t seem to appear in the SPDX list: the “OpenH323” exception from the README, under consideration in this issue, and the “Asterisk” exception from the source file headers, submitted separately. Presumably both apply.
Reason for license review
Updating License
field of existing package to SPDX.