Misc feedback from F37 to address in F38
Feedback from @not-a-dev-stein (https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-871218c8d2) - we can address these points in F38 except for petals light, which was a packaging error and will be addressed in #14 (closed):
Package installs perfectly fine, about the wallpapers: The Good:
Glass Curtains is my favorite of them all, looks and feels perfect both in light and dark modes;
Montclair looks really nice in both modes as well.
The Bad:
Flight in its current state looks bad. Looks dark even in light mode and dark mode changes practically nothing in it. The shapes and concept are good, but it needs work with colors and brightness;
Future City is kind of the same. There is a more noticeable difference between dark and light modes, but the color use makes it look more boring than "dystopian" or "futuristic".
And the So-so:
Petals looks and feels perfect in dark mode, but in light mode you can barely notice the shapes. Needs a bit more work with its contrast and saturation;
A bit of the same story for Mermaid. Dark mode looks great, gives a really mysterious vibe, but in light mode it just looks like I have the contrast on my monitor poorly calibrated. The shape work is great overall but the color use looks kind of... just ok at best.
Edited by Máirín Duffy