Introduce GitLab Milestones to help guide our team roadmap and meetings
In the next DEI Team meeting, introduce a workflow for identifying monthly priorities connected to team vision & mission statements.
The DEI Team is undergoing a refresh for 2023 with a new vision and mission statement (#17 (closed)). As part of that, the DEI Team is aligning our work more closely to areas of focus that the team has experience with in addition to areas of growth that help us achieve the Fedora Project Vision:
"The Fedora Project envisions a world where everyone benefits from free and open source software built by inclusive, welcoming, and open-minded communities."
GitLab Milestones offer helpful planning functionality for us to track monthly priorities and tasks. The monthly milestones should correlate to specific parts of the team mission statement. This also helps us visualize everything that the team has committed to for a one-month period from one view.
Two milestones are already created:
The introduction will look at these milestones, how to triage and tag these milestones to existing issues, and how we can use this to further enhance the DEI Team workflow for open planning and easier participation.
- Internal: Fedora DEI Team is able to plan more effectively.
- Community: Other Fedora community teams could model from our workflow as an early adopter of GitLab.
- External: Other communities have more visibility into what the Fedora DEI Team is working on and ways that cross-community collaboration could happen on shared interests.