SpotiFlyer- Songs Downloader
The app complies with the inclusion criteria. -
The app is not already listed in the repo or issue tracker. -
The app has not already been requested -
The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure -
The original app author has been notified, and does not oppose the inclusion. -
Donated to support the maintenance of this app in F-Droid.
APPLICATION ID: com.shabinder.spotiflyer
Below is a template "metadata file" to fill out, it has only the required fields. F-Droid uses this file to build and publish the app. Build Metadata Reference documents all available options. Add values after the colon
# Categories (one per line, each starting with a space and a minus), chosen from the
# official list:
- 437
# the one license that the whole app is available under, use
# short identifiers, must be
# floss-compatible.
License: GPLv3
# You can provide details on how to contact the author. These are optional, but
# nice to have.
AuthorName: Shabinder Singh
# A URL for the project's website, and to the source code repository to visit
# using a web browser. WebSite is optional.
# A link to the issue tracker where bugs are reported
# If available, you can also provide links/IDs for donations.
# Name of the application
AutoName: SpotiFlyer
# One sentence, no more than 30-50 chars, no trailing punctuation,
# focus on actions what the users does with the app, e.g. "Read and
# send emails" instead of "Email client".
# NOTE: Summary and Description are preferably provided via Fastlane or Triple-T!
Summary: Download All your songs from Spotify, Gaana, Youtube Music.
Description: |-
"SpotiFlyer" is an App(Written in Kotlin), which aims to work as:
- Download: Albums, Tracks and Playlists,etc.
- Save your Data, by not Streaming your Fav. Songs Online again & again(Just Download Them!).
- No ADS!, 100% Open Source.
- Works straight out of the box and does not require you to generate or mess with your API keys (already included).
- Even a Web-App and Desktop Apps are available, Check Out: (Encourage Us by giving us a star here)
Supported Platforms:
- Spotify
- Gaana
- Youtube
- Youtube Music
- (more coming soon)
- The availability of YouTube Music in your country is IMPORTANT, if it isn't available consider using a VPN.
# Repository details to be used by VCS (Version Control Systems)
# git, git-svn, svn, hg or bzr
RepoType: git
# source code repo URL (HTTPS required)
Edited by Shabinder Singh