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  • Hans-Christoph Steiner's avatar
    test for original "v0" index XML compatibility · 56ef716a
    Hans-Christoph Steiner authored
    The original index.xml format needs to stay around for backwards
    compatibility, but we shouldn't touch it anymore once the new format is in
    place.  This is a test to make sure `fdroid update` can still generate the
    correct XML.
    install_list and uninstall_list should be tuples or lists in order to
    ensure that the order is preserved.
    These tests also check that the added and lastupdated dates are
    working correct, based on the dates in tests/stats/known_apks.txt. I
    could see no useful way to test the timestamp, it is just hardcoded
    using a regexp search-and-replace.  Running these tests manually might
    require deleting tmp/apkcache.