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Juego de El Ahorcado v1.3

Webierta requested to merge Webierta/fdroiddata:master into master
  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and supports the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and rfp issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • I've considered adding parts of the metadata to the app repo in order to add screenshots and have a translatable description
  • Builds with fdroid build

Juego de El Ahorcado para Android

Esta aplicación revive el clásico juego de lápiz y papel "El Ahorcado" cuyo objetivo es descubrir una palabra secreta.

Para ello, el programa propone una palabra al azar obtenida de la web o de su propio almacén de palabras, dependiendo del modo o nivel de juego elegido.

Software libre de código abierto sujeto a la GNU General Public License v.3, distribuido con la esperanza de que sea entretenido, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA. Todos los errores reservados. Sin Publicidad.

LICENSE: GPLv3 or later.

ENGLISH: This application revives the classic pencil and paper game "The Hanged Man" whose objective is to discover a secret word. To do this, the program proposes a random word obtained from the web or from its own store of words, depending on the mode or level of game chosen. Open source free software subject to the GNU General Public License v.3, distributed with the hope that it is entertaining, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. All errors reserved. Whithout ads. LICENSE: GPLv3 or later. At the moment it is only available in Spanish, soon in English.

Edited by Webierta

Merge request reports