kardi notes - latest update does not start
Hello, my app has been on fdroid for several months working just fine. After I pushed the last update, the app is stuck in a loading screen (part of the app). There should be some sort of error shown as I handle them (for the most part). There is no network connection being made to the server, which is the first thing that should happen (on the very first start of the app it asks users if they want to connect to a server, remembers the setting and so every start after that, it should connect immediately). Up until the last update it was working just fine and the update did not introduce any changes that should affect this in any way, no dependencies changed. Especially because when I build the app manually using the fdroid cli tool (https://f-droid.org/docs/Building_Applications), it works just fine.
I understand this might be slightly out of the scope for fdroid maintainers to deal with, but I am rather new to android and unsure how to debug the version of my app currently available on fdroid. My question is, should I just push a new update to see if it magically fixes? Perhaps was there an issue with the official fdroid build that I missed in the log?
Possibly relevant information, on the very first start of the app there should be a prompt asking users to enter a server url. I made a slight oversight and the font size of this prompt is set to zero. This was also the case in the last version, which worked (it just showed a prompt with no text and a blank button). On the new version this prompt does not even come up. Could this possibly be the issue? If so, it seems odd to me why it worked in the last version and not this one. Keep in mind if I build the new version manually it still shows the blank prompt and works. Should I just fix the font sizing issue and push a new update? Updates tend to take a few days so I thought I would ask first in case this is not the problem.
Thank you.