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Why curation and decentralization is better than millions of apps

I've finally managed to put into words something about F-Droid that I've been thinking about for a while now. There are clearly community standards, but there hasn't ever really been "official" discussions about what they are. This is my attempt to try to capture my impression of what the community standards are, in terms of which apps to include. Then also show how community control and decentralization make for a much better user experience.

I want this post to reflect what all core team people agree with, so I'm posting this draft here to start that conversation. I'd also like to use this as an opportunity to discussion the issue of whether we want "adult" content aka pornography in the collection. I think we should keep something for everyone, from children and grandparents, so I'd like to see the one porn-ish app removed.

Because we work to make it easy to people to create and use repos, I think we can make these kinds of choices without censoring anyone.

I think it was @theScrabi who mentioned there was one porn app in


Edited by Hans-Christoph Steiner

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