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  • Peter Serwylo's avatar
    Auto deploy feature branches to · 699b1a1a
    Peter Serwylo authored
    This is an opt-in addition to the CI workflow, which enables the result
    of the CI build to be pushed automatically to a public facing webserver.
    Ideally this would be done via GitLab pages, but that doesn't yet allow
    more than one branch to deploy. Instead, it uses as a provider.
    This does introduce a dependency on a new third party service. To ensure
    this doesn't deter people from contributing, it is completely optional:
     * If you don't signup for surge, CI sill still pass
     * The new task `preview` is marked as `allow_failure: true`
     * If you do opt in and follow the instructions in CI
    will automatically:
       * Deploy the result of `jekyll build` to
       * Link to this deployment from within the GitLab merge request UI
       * Teardown the deployment once the branch is removed from GitLab
    Note that the regular deployment from `master` to GitLab pages remains
    largely unchanged. This still deploys master to GitLab pages.
    There are some other minor improvements in this commit also, such as:
     * Caching dependencies to make CI faster.
     * Commenting and formatting in .gitlab-ci.yml
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