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Handle data loading without listeners

Antoine Estienne requested to merge handleDataLoadingWithoutListeners into master

Feature Merge Request

Related Issue

resolves #409 (closed)

Description of Feature


One single initial data-loading function (ConnectData in loading reducer) and one single loading component for the whole app that loads after PersistStoreInstatiator and before App

  • gets web3
  • gets currentBlock
  • loadFathomNetworkParams (async)
  • await loadConceptsFromConceptRegistery(currentBlock)(dispatch, getState) // (async) => now uses 'extend' to update conept state, in order for them to be persisted, resolves
  • await fetchLatestAssessments(currentBlock)(dispatch, getState) // (async) resolves
  • receiveVariable('lastUpdatedAt', currentBlock)
  • setInterval to loop call fetchLatestAssessments every 5seconds

Initial ConnectData function,loadConceptsFromConceptRegistery and fetchLatestAssessments are async and set a lastUpdatedAt block number variable in persisted state along with the concepts and assessments. all sub-loading-functions (subfunctions of ConnectData) need to be async as well


  • fetchLatestAssessments takes a blocknumber as input and checks all events between the lastUpdated block and the current block, the rest is like it used to be before (but async)
  • called periodically to refresh assessments state (concepts are only refreshed on reload)

What we won't be needing anymore:

  • We get rid of all loader components except the PersistStoreInstatiator (includes initial MM loading and saved into window.web3), the Data-Initializer (runs loadConceptsFromConceptRegistery and fetchLatestAssessments once, displays app, starts interval call to loadConceptsFromConceptRegistery and fetchLatestAssessments)

event related

  • processEvents
  • the 'connect' and 'initializeEventWatcher' function that were starting event watching
  • separate loading status for assessments and concepts

persist related

Motivation and Context


we decided it would be easier to not use event listeners


MetaMask sometimes returns empty arrays of events

What's Next?

  • Display different loading stages between initial and Loaded
  • Calculate the blocktime depending on network
  • Get web3 from initial loading

Edited by Antoine Estienne

Merge request reports