Augustus did not recognize any genes matching the dataset hemiptera_odb10 in the input file.
Dear developers,
I have been trying to use BUSCO to train Augustus on a custom species by using the miniconda installed BUSCO v5.4.2. My input file genome.fa
is downloaded from refseq
When I tried busco -i genome.fa -o genome_busco_out -l hemiptera_odb10 -m genome -c 24 --augustus --augustus_species pea_aphid
it showed ERROR: Augustus did not recognize any genes matching the dataset hemiptera_odb10 in the input file. If this is unexpected, check your input file and your installation of Augustus
Here are all 7 files in /home/wcl/Desktop/genome_busco_out/logs/
Among them, bbtools_err.log
and tblastn_out.log
are empty.
I also tried to run without --augustus_species pea_aphid
(both Nilaparvata_lugens and pea_aphid are hemiptera) or run with insecta_odb10 or run with manually installed Augustus v3.4.0 from github(assume Augustus on conda has some issues). They returned the same error.
I found /home/wcl/Desktop/genome_busco_out/run_hemiptera_odb10/augustus_output/tmp/
consists of 2478 *.err files e.g. 8at7524.err which shows like
PP::Profile: Error parsing pattern file"/home/wcl/Desktop/busco/busco_downloads/lineages/hemiptera_odb10/prfl/8at7524.prfl", line 8.
and /home/wcl/Desktop/genome_busco_out/run_hemiptera_odb10/augustus_output/predicted_genes_initial_run
consists of 3021 *.out.1 files e.g. 8at7524.out.1. In these files lines stopped at # Initializing the parameters using config directory /home/wcl/miniconda3/envs/busco/config/ ...
I don't know which part is causing the issue(BUSCO, Augustus, Blast or my input file?) and how can i fix it. Any advice would be appreciated.