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  • Tim Vernum's avatar
    Add support for "authorization_realms" (#33262) · 273c82d7
    Tim Vernum authored
    Authorization Realms allow an authenticating realm to delegate the task
    of constructing a User object (with name, roles, etc) to one or more
    other realms.
    E.g. A client could authenticate using PKI, but then delegate to an LDAP
    realm. The LDAP realm performs a "lookup" by principal, and then does
    regular role-mapping from the discovered user.
    This commit includes:
    - authorization_realm support in the pki, ldap, saml & kerberos realms
    - docs for authorization_realms
    - checks that there are no "authorization chains"
       (whereby "realm-a" delegates to "realm-b", but "realm-b" delegates to "realm-c")
    Authorization realms is a platinum feature.