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Issue #972 - Integrated EWE ad blocking SDK

This MR contains the following changes:

  • Removed adblockpluscore dependency.
  • Updated webext-sdk dependency.
  • Use EWE API instead of adblockpluscore APIs.
  • Removed redundant files, code and preferences.
  • Applied temporary workarounds for:
  • Added missing license header to lib/recommendLanguage.js.
  • Fixed: EWE bundle creation fails.
  • See details about changes in files below.

It does not contain the following changes, because they can be worked on in separate issues, but should be included in the release:

  • ewe#135 - Requests may be counted or shown twice in issue reporter and in developer tools panel.
  • ewe#139 - Sitekey-based allowlisting is broken on Firefox.
  • ui#1057 - Snippet tests are skipped in webext child pipeline.
  • ui#1058 - Issue reporter doesn't include optional browser information.
  • Update vendor/webext-sdk submodule URL.
  • Remove EWE's source maps.
  • Remove redundant "subscriptions.get" message arguments from mobile options page and from adblockpluschrome tests.
  • Some adblockpluschrome tests are failing:
    • Can be safely ignored:
      • WebRTC
      • WebSocket Exception
      • subscribes to a link
    • Waiting for confirmation from QA that they can be safely ignored:
      • CSP Exception
      • dir-string
      • strip-fetch-query-parameter

It does not contain the following changes, because they can be worked on in separate issues, but can be included in a subsequent release:

  • ui#1002 - Remove webext child pipeline
  • ui#1050 - Rename Filter and Subscription "disabled" property to "enabled" in Messaging API
  • remove adblockpluschrome subdirectory

Detailed changes per file

  • adblockpluschrome:
    • build/config/base.js:
      • Removed redundant files
      • Started using SDK bundles
      • Added composer.preload.js directly, instead of indirectly via include.preload.js bundle
    • build/config/webpack.config.js:
      • Removed adblockpluscore dependency
    • build/config/manifest.json:
      • Started using SDK bundles
      • Added composer.preload.js directly, instead of indirectly via include.preload.js bundle
      • Removed redundant files
    • lib/allowlisting.js:
      • API changes
        • Removed listAllowlistingFilters() in favor of ewe.filters.getAllowingFilters()
        • Stopped using Filter
        • Removed checkAllowlisted() in favor of ewe.filters.isResourceAllowlisted()
        • Changed "changed" event to return boolean instead of filter
        • Moved allowlisting state initialization to subscriptionInit.js
      • Removed redundant code:
        • Manage frame hierarchy
        • checkAllowlisted()
        • listAllowlistingFilters()
        • Handle sitekeys
    • lib/contentFiltering.js:
      • API changes
      • Removed redundant code:
        • Manage page stylesheets for applying hiding filters
        • Manage page scripts for applying snippet filters
    • lib/csp.js: Removed redundant files: CSP-based request blocking
    • lib/devtools.js:
      • API changes: Refactored hasRecord() function
      • ui#1003 - Temporary workaround: Removed code for matching and updating existing records
    • lib/filterComposer.js: API changes: Removed checkAllowlisted() in favor of ewe.filters.isResourceAllowlisted() (see also ewe#136)
    • lib/filterConfiguration.js:
      • API changes
        • Converted disabledFilterCounters into Map, since we no longer have access to unique Subscription objects
        • Replaced "subscription.filtersDisabled" with "filtersDisabled" event
        • Made askConfirmSubscription() work with generic objects
        • Use String.trim() instead of Filter.normalize(), because it's no longer exposed to us
        • Moved disabled filter counters initialization to subscriptionInit.js
      • Fixed: typeof null === "object" so we have to use instanceof instead (see also ui#1022)
      • Removed redundant code:
        • convertSubscriptionFilters()
        • Messaging API event listener abstraction
        • Filter validation
        • "filterState.listen" message handler
    • lib/hitLogger.js:
      • API changes: Introduced getTarget() function to convert filter matches into a request object, that we used to have
      • Removed redundant code: Hit logging
    • lib/icon.js: API changes
    • lib/io.js: Removed redundant files: Abstaction for storing filters as file
    • lib/messageResponder.js: API changes
    • lib/notificationHelper.js:
      • API changes
        • Use ewe.notifications.*
        • Moved locale initialization to initNotifications()
        • Initialize and keep ewe.notifications.numBlocked updated
    • lib/popupBlocker.js: Removed redundant files: Popup blocking
    • lib/prefs.js:
      • Removed redundant prefs
      • Use ewe.notifications.*
      • Fixed: incorrect property name for "prefs.set" message handler
    • lib/requestBlocker.js:
      • API changes: Use ewe.reporting.contentTypesMap
      • Removed redundant code
    • lib/stats.js: API changes
    • lib/subscriptionInit.js:
      • API changes
        • Determine data corruption using values returned by ewe.start()
        • Initialize and keep element hiding debug mode updated
      • Removed redundant code
    • lib/uninstall.js: API changes
    • test/browsers/chromium.js: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests
    • test/browsers/firefox.js: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests
    • test/runners/chromium_download.mjs: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests (copied over module from adblockpluscore)
    • test/runners/download.mjs: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests (copied over module from adblockpluscore)
    • test/runners/firefox_download.mjs: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests (copied over module from adblockpluscore)
    • test/unit-tests/prefs.js: Removed redundant preferences
    • test/unit-tests/uninstall.js: API changes
    • .gitignore: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests
    • .gitlab-ci.yml: Removed adblockpluscore dependency for end-to-end tests
    • adblockpluscore: Removed adblockpluscore dependency
    • composer.preload.js: ui#1031 - Temporary workaround: Reuse filter previews
    • gulpfile.js: Removed adblockpluscore dependency
    • include.preload.js:
      • Removed redundant files:
        • Element hiding
        • Element collapsing
        • Extracting sitekey
        • Recording hiding filter hits
    • inject.preload.js: Removed redundant files: WebRTC blocking
    • subscriptionLink.postload.js: Removed redundant files: Subscribe links
  • js/pages/issue-reporter/report.js: ewe#135 - Temporary workaround: Avoid counting requests multiple times
  • lib/pages/options.js: API changes
  • lib/notifications.js: API changes
  • lib/recommendLanguage.js:
    • Added missing license header
    • Removed redundant code
  • vendor/webext-sdk:: Upgraded webext-sdk dependency
  • .gitmodules: Removed adblockpluscore dependency
  • package.json: Fixed: npm run dist fails due to missing webpack dependency in adblockplusui
  • Removed adblockpluscore dependency
Edited by Thomas Greiner

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