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  • Mohammad Nael Dahman / Ornata

    Mozilla Public License 2.0

    Welcome to Ornata, a robust PHP MVC framework designed to streamline web development with practicality and efficiency. Ornata, formerly known as Lavender, offers a suite of features carefully crafted to support developers in building reliable and scalable applications for real-world projects.

    With Ornata, you'll find essential tools such as seamless multi-language management, robust caching mechanisms, and support for dual database connections, providing a solid foundation for your applications.

    Security is a top priority for Ornata, with features like Google Authenticator integration and encrypted data storage ensuring the protection of your sensitive information in a pragmatic manner.

    Key Features: [Multi-language support, Google Authenticator OTP integration for enhanced security, Three integrated layers: Web, Control Panel, and API, Dual database support (MySQL and SQLite3), Integrated Cronjobs Task Runner and Schema Database Builder, "Encrypia" for secure two-way encryption (Experimental), Dynamic Schema Evolution, Dynamic Caching Power, Ornata CLI Commander, Email Campaign Scheduler, SPA-Ready Integration, Unit Testing, Continuous Development Journey, and even more ...].

    In Development: Ornata is currently in dev stage with a focus on simplicity, flexibility, and security.

    Curious to read the documentation? Finish Ornata Setup then run this command "ornata documentation" in your project's terminal.

    Community Support: While Ornata is still in its early stages, a vibrant community is forming! Get support, discuss your projects, and contribute to Ornata's development on Discord:


    Thanks to Mahmoud ElNezany for his library

    Thanks for RedBeansPHP ORM

  • Welcome to my study repository! I'm Abdullah Alhabal, a Software Engineering student passionate about backend development, Laravel, and web development. This repository serves as a collection of my learnings, projects, and explorations in these fields.

  • journal is a CLI to help you keep track of the things you do
