Projects with this topic
Material Design phone number input for Vue projects
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Entwicklung eines interaktiven, benutzerfreundlichen Online-Quizsystems für IU Fernstudierende, das kooperatives und kollaboratives Lernen fördert und eine dynamische Plattform für die Klausurvorbereitung bietet.
Updated - Lista de los iniciales de la segunda generación
Updated - Lista de criaturas del juego Palworld.
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Here is an interface built on top of the Phishstats API. This application facilitates searching the Phishstats phishing incidents database
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Online shop built with Vue.js, Vuetify (Material Design) and Vuex (Pinia)
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The OpenSource Mediathek of Tomorrow.
A Frontend written in Vue2 and Vuetify
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Fullstack Project in our first semester. (Vue.js und SpringBoot) Oliver Bryn Alcantara & Jörg Spitzer It is a fullstack administration application to manage students and teachers which helped us get to know the concepts of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and how frontend and backend requests work together to deliver the desired functionality. I worked on both front & back - end, with more focus on the frontend aspect of the application.Updated
Códigos utlizados para tutoriais de Vue 2 no youtube: (Cada branch será um vídeo.)
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A CMS designed around showcasing art and a blog.
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My portfolio located in
Updated - Laravel 鐵人賽前端實作,使用vue2 和 vuetify實現畫面
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Calculate animal years in human years
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This SPA allows you to organize your time through a calendar where you add and plan activities.