Structured Query Language (SQL) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system.
Projects with this topic
A code generation platform for java
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This is the project based on Java Spring Boot. It includes the base code for all the CRUD operations needed to be done for a Spring Boot Application. It also has the JWT authentication for secure login process.
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Key platform data integrations repo
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A Java annotation processor which creates the boilerplate for your Database Access. It Checks your SQL strings online in the database and generates the result types for you. https://lazysql.thomas-oster.de
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A Java library designed to make creating, scaling, and managing your SQL databases easier for the developer
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Various coding assignments from my school days. Currently covers Python, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, & JS.
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Sistema Gestor de Clinicas Dentales. Proyecto Final para la asignatura Ingeniería de Software 2 del grupo B del curso 2020-21 de Ingeniería Informática de la UCM
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A068-Banking Account System First Agile Project -Banking Account System helps Customer to transfer funds, adding beneficiary, deposit amount to their account, view transactions etc
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Contribute Api that born from a needed: save a contribution and retrieve all contributions. Written in Java 13.
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Coffee Shop Interface for imaginary Coffee Shop called CoffeeZone. Created using Java, JavaFX and contains SQL Database to retain log ins and coffee products.
Made by Daniel Lam 1932789 and Grigor Mihaylov 1937997
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Hyper Reports is a module of the product Hyper Process. It transfers turnover daily reports data from different files into related database in order to provide more complex reporting functionality.
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Library Management System is developed in Java language. And for database, SQL is used. This project was a homework given tom by my BCA - JAVA teacher @ Guru Gobind Singh Indraprashtha University in 2014. CHECK OUT THE SCREENSHOTS AND ALSO CHECK OUT
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