Projects with this topic
SOLID Principles:- *Single Responsibility *Open-Close Principle *Liskov Substitution *Interface Segregation Principle *Dependency Inversion Principle
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A ToDo-List application based on the Solid specification.
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A Docker image to run a Solid server with valid certificates in multi-user mode on localhost.
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Social Linked Data - An introduction to the solid project
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Die Rückeroberung des Social Webs - Eine Einführung in Solid
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iOS operation-based networking library (Objective-C)
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This project is a graduation project taking place at Bogazici University by me, advised by professor Suzan Üsküdarlı.
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Resolving dependency hell in Solid projects
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To-Do List for Extended Programming ITT3 by Gytis Valatkevicius UCL
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iOS operation-based networking library (Swift)
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Presentations for a university course surrounding Solid for more decentralization on the Web.
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This project combines Hyperledger Aries and Solid PODs to combine identifier of these two worlds and use verifiable credentials for verified business transactions.
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A potential homepage for your Solid Pod. In use here:
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Application platform for next-generation Web technologies.