Projects with this topic
Scripts independientes para tareas específicas. Se ordenan por función/objetivo. Sistemas Operativos obejtivo Debian stable y Fedora stable, esto no quita que puedan ser utilizados o adaptados ligeramente para otros.
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Automatize scans with nmap script engine (NSE).
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Generate virtual wireless interfaces in monitor mode.
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Scan probe requests from known networks of nearby devices.
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Blocks wireless connections with deauthentication attacks.
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Create your password list with victim information.
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Framework to inject codes physically with arduino, pic and tensy boards.
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Extract objdump output into shellcode format.
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Alex' Scripts & Tools for UNIX
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ScriptScribe is a POSIX-compliant shell script library which enables logging for any shell script.
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examples of selecting multiple files for processing in a BASH Shell Script
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a very simple text mode to-do list in terminal
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Multiple DigiKam photo libraries
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BASH script to toggle between CPU powersave and performance mode in Linux
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Repository with notes, common commands and more about the GNU/Linux Operating System.
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ScripTally is a POSIX-compliant shell library to keep a tally of steps started and completed in any script
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[PERSONAL] A script to quickly get multiple distros under distrobox up and running (previously was for crostini)