Projects with this topic
RosarioSIS Student Information System for school management
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Webseite mit Material für SuS der Fächer Physik und NwT.
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Core library of model classes for a martial arts school management system. The design is intended to be both presentation and storage agnostic. The model is intended to be extendable.
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Scobra - Un site web idéal pour les lycéens |
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PickleHub is a hub for students who are bored in school, contained in a bookmarklet!
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Online map of Winston Churchill High School with navigation between classrooms. Currently in beta.
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Table of birds. Finnish birds sorted alpabetically. Using ready table layout.
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Week 3 Exercise 1 = Change the existing css to match search-bar as shown in the picture.
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Week1 Exercise 4 - Chat app to store chats in Local Storage
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Week2 Exercise4 - On what weekday does selected month start this year?
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Week2 Exercise 2 - Use of props to pass a variable to a component
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Week1 Exercise 2 - Business card app (made for phone view)
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Soda is a PWA (Progressive Web App) for memorising foreign words. You can make lists of words and it debriefs you like your mother.
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This repository is for Home Works from DAN.IT school - and for someone who wants to see my works!
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A simple bus reservation system I wrote for my polytechnic college, as a Web Programming lab assignment.