Projects with this topic
This project is in the early stages of developing a roguelike video game in the Godot Engine featuring a time traveler exploring diverse historical and futurstic settings for a corporate research project. The focus is currently on concept development and gameplay design, with future efforts aimed at roguelike features, storytelling and more.
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Dungeon Dude is a micro game on a Novation Launchpad.
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Moria UB - VMS Pascal source code | Read-Only mirror of the Github repo
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BOSS: Beyond Moria - VMS Pascal source code | Read-Only mirror of the Github repo
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Imoria - VMS Pascal source code | Read-Only mirror of the Github repo
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ICMoria - C language port of Imoria | Read-Only mirror of the Github repo
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Moria - VMS Pascal source code | Read-Only mirror of the Github repo
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This Unity project is a roguelike game with a survivor and deckbuilding focus. Currently in development, the game challenges players to survive waves of enemies while utilizing a deck of cards to influence gameplay. The wave system and level progression are already implemented, alongside the core card mechanics, which allow players to strategize and adapt their playstyle as they advance through increasingly difficult levels.
Key Features (Implemented):
Card-based system for abilities and power-ups Wave-based enemy spawning system Level progression mechanicsTechnologies:
Unity engine C# scriptingPlanned Features:
Additional cards and abilitiesUpdated -
Moria: a roguelike Dungeon Crawler game | Umoria Source Code | Read-Only mirror of the Github repo
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Exploring the ncurses library simply by way of rogue-like game engine in the beautiful language of C.
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Rogue Fungi is a roguelike deck-building game for smartphones.
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Modern C++ tutorials for the libtcod roguelike development library
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vlarn: a classic multi-platform roguelike dungeon-crawl adventure