Projects with this topic
Web UI for crontab based control of N-level relays (aka relay-pi). Supports GPIO-connected devices and remote devices with Tasmota firmware.
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Open and close a window using two motion detectors and a motor controlled by GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
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Fork of Joachim & Tim Fahrners AV4MS project. The original homepage along with debian packages and a complete system image can be found at
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Téléphone As A Jukebox : un fichier audio est joué en fonction du numéro de téléphone composé
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The central component of CyberP4, interfacing the hardware and orchestrating the gameplay.
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Proyecto con raspberry pi pico como servidor websockets en el que se utiliza la pantalla Pico Display 2.0 para mostrar estadísticas de los equipos en la red local de la cantidad de teclas pulsadas
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Monitor de energía con raspberry pi pico para obtener intensidad y tensión sobre el funcionamiento de dispositivos que monitorizará para posteriormente subir estos a una API que mantendrá el histórico para generar gráficas de estadísticas
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Proyecto para regar de forma autónoma plantas utilizando un sensor de humedad para el suelo
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HO scale model railroad car design that holds and powers a Raspberry Pi Zero W and Camera Module V1, allowing real time first person streaming from a model train.
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Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR-based ADS-B receiver that outputs information about nearby aircraft using text-to-speech voice synthesis. Designed to give RC pilots extra situational awareness and early warning of low flying aircraft to increase safety.
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Projetc by Python and QTcreator , runnig by RaspbaerryPI
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Raspberry Pi for home automation. Runs daemons for hardware access and communication on a network of Pi's. Plus a desktop (Qt multi-platform but tested on linux only) front-end for managing all your Pi's and keeping track what they do.
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A Raspberry Pi based test utility for the TS4631 SteamVR IC.
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C/C++ GNU/Linux kernel module to drive via SPI a MAX7219 controlled chained array of 8x8 led matrices. Currently, only ARMv7 is tested (Olimexino Lime A10 and Raspberry Pi B+ v1.2)
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We are providing Ready To Use solution for home automation based on OpenHAB or Home Assistant projects. Our hardware solution is based on Raspberry Pi as central system and Arduino boards to control relays outputs (lights, shutters, sockets) and collect data from various inputs (wall buttons, motion, temp & humidity sensors, etc.).