Projects with this topic
The node providing a client side Web application animating a 3D rendered game board based on the game progress events.
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Take care of your plants by controlling and monitoring them from this Open-source app developed in Python. You can manage different relays, check the temperature, humidity and even watch them on live camera.
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Ce projet Flask a pour but de convertir un Raspberry Pi en un lecteur radio pouvant être contrôlé via une interface web sur le réseau local.
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Reputable & Energy-Friendly IoT Smartnode Project with: Erigon, ioBroker, GPIO, I2C, MQTT, LMS, Voice/Sense/Touch & DApp Support.
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Web interface for Enviro and Enviro+ sensor board plugged into a Raspberry Pi.
Measure air quality (pollutant gases and particulates), temperature, humidity, pressure, light and noise.
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Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages:
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An insane project for lighting your mood.
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Web frontend for streaming a video from a Raspberry PI Camera.
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a django app to manage sensors on a raspberry pi and collect data from said sensors into a database, for use with grafana, export for machine learning purposes, or anything else.
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Immagine per Raspberry Pi per creare un server OpenVPN per lo smart working o il telelavoro.
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This is the public web facing tutorial series for GTK using the GTKGLArea widget and OpenGL 3.0.
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IOT app for checking the usage of spaces (eg. office meeting rooms) with a Raspberry Pi and an IR sensor
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A simple Raspberry Pi project to automatically grow kitchen herbs at home.
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this machine will let you choose a color from a color scale, and print a juice in this color. it will do so by mixing the right amounts of cyan, magenta and yellow juices together. it uses aquarium pumps, relays, and a Raspberry Pi controller.
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PiVR has been developed to track a variety of animals in real time and present them with light stimuli. Manual can be found at, scientific publication at
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Fork of Joachim & Tim Fahrners AV4MS project. The original homepage along with debian packages and a complete system image can be found at
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An RFID door lock system written in Python.
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Web UI for crontab based control of N-level relays (aka relay-pi). Supports GPIO-connected devices and remote devices with Tasmota firmware.