Projects with this topic
a collaborative ONTOlogy development workFLOW
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a Data Semantics Project
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Documentation of EmoSocio Ontology. Release of open dataset for the EmoSocio model.
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Question&Answering Spring-based web application for deterministic ontology-driven natural language processing, leveraging LTAG and DUDES.
Coursework in Artificial Intelligence.
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An ontology prototype describing the relationships between specific cartographic tasks and Equal Area Unit Maps (EAUM)
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Structures to deserialize OBO Foundry listings into.
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OpenScienceOntology - illustrating / exploring / testing the interoperability of the OSO modules
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Dissertação de Mestrado sobre Monitoramento de Cadeias de Valor de Bebidas Orgânicas - Um Estudo de Caso
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moody (Multi-Objective Optimization ontologY) is a OWL2 ontology aiming to provide the ontology model to allow the semantic consolidation of the data related to multi-objective optimization experiments, including algorithms, problems and quality indicators.
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The Set-based Ontology Seed Language (SOSL) allows defining (the seed of) an ontology (with instances), that then get transformed into different graphical (Class diag., Object diag., ER diag., ...) and textual (DOL, eCore, ...) representations.
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docker image containing widoco and owl2jsonld
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Strategies to represent knowledge in Computer Science.
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Development of a machine learning ontology.
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A small project to observe how well an almost automatic noun phrase parser acts as a ontology generator provided we use IPC (Indian Penal Codes) as reference for word hierarchy.
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Ontologia riguardante il calcio. Esprime diversi concetti tra i più importanti il concetto di AzioneDiGioco che permette di immagazzinare informazioni riguardo le prestazioni delle Squadre e dei giocatori.
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an ontology describing the Copper Key
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Ontology for food items, from raw ingredient to complex processed dishes