Projects with this topic
Ontologia riguardante il calcio. Esprime diversi concetti tra i più importanti il concetto di AzioneDiGioco che permette di immagazzinare informazioni riguardo le prestazioni delle Squadre e dei giocatori.
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A script that takes an ontology file in RDF/XML format as input and creates the necessary wiki pages using the MediaWiki API.
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OpenScienceOntology - illustrating / exploring / testing the interoperability of the OSO modules
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a Data Semantics Project
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ListDBOnto is an ontology draft for the description of video-based traffic observations.
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Ontology for food items, from raw ingredient to complex processed dishes
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EUdaphobase Taxonomy Ontology for the European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection
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A small project to observe how well an almost automatic noun phrase parser acts as a ontology generator provided we use IPC (Indian Penal Codes) as reference for word hierarchy.