Projects with this topic
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The Framework for Ontology Characterization (F4OA) composes a reference ontology called O4OA, that is its ontological grounding that supports the framework and models solution toll called O4Onto Suite.
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The O4OA is the ontological grounding that supports The Framework for Ontology Characterization (F4OA) and a solution called O4Onto Suite.
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Ontologia riguardante il calcio. Esprime diversi concetti tra i più importanti il concetto di AzioneDiGioco che permette di immagazzinare informazioni riguardo le prestazioni delle Squadre e dei giocatori.
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Question&Answering Spring-based web application for deterministic ontology-driven natural language processing, leveraging LTAG and DUDES.
Coursework in Artificial Intelligence.
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