Projects with this topic
Uses nodes core HTTP module to provide an API endpoint to learn more about a specific HTTP code
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HTTP Notification System for publishing and subscribing to topics
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Firebase-tools CLI installed globally over the official NodeJS images (with different versions with -buster too)
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A minimal Dockerfile based on timbru31/java-node with git installed:
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Docker container for node / javascript-based app development; includes TTYD browser interface.
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The simplest fullstack boilerplate that will only require you docker to startup that I managed to conjure up in a day.
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Some thoughts about this question from SO:
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Sua tarefa é construir um front-end para a aplicação VUTTR (Very Useful Tools to Remember). A aplicação é um simples repositório para gerenciar ferramentas com seus respectivos nomes, links, descrições e tags.
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React Frontend, Node.JS Backend, built with Terraform onto AWS and deployed by Gitlab CI.
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First Steps for Startups - Continuous Integration as Code
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Backend for AYA Market CI EPSI Project MSPR
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MSPR CI's front project. Using Ionic with Typescript.
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Image prepared to run feature specs on Gitlab CI
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Prototipo de Servicio Rest NodeJs con LoopBack 4 & MySql.
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For the SDG presents Docker for Developers talk! 10-1-19
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🏠 My homepage content · https://myrt.coUpdated -