Projects with this topic
For my compiler theory class in college, the students each built a compiler from the ground up for a fictional language, C-. This is the lexer, which parses the text of the program into a tokenized format.
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Attempt to create next generated language with considering the mistakes of the past
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Evil programming language focus on hack
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Infinite-lookahead lexer written in Go
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A CSS Level 3 parser written in PHP.
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Brainfuck lexer and compiler library for Rust.
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Simple lexer made in Rust (TER 2022).
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Pascal P.L. Oriented alternative to Lex. Graduate Thesis. Lexical Scanner Generator Tool similar to Lex.
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Single Line Operations Processor (SLOP) is an extensible expression language using it's own grammar system. Results are derived from expression strings which can be stored in anything i.e. database records, annotations in code, documents etc.
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"Taulib" is a set of tools & documentation for designing Programming Languages, P.L. compilers, and related tools.
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Functional style lexer inspired by Rob Pike's talk 2011 on lexing
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A declarative lexer seamlessly hooking into php functions, building ASTs for multiple languages.
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A minimal streaming JSON reader and writer
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A tree-sitter parser for RPM spec files.