Projects with this topic
MAC In Userspace - Trival access control implemented in userspace, without kernel modules or patches.
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Small and simple AVR library for PCF8574 (I²C based port multiplexer)
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Small and simple library for HD44780 via I²C (PCF8574)
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A simulated toggle button device handler for use in automation scripts or IFTTT triggers which require a switch to change state to elicit an action
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Dieses Gitlab-Projekt dient der Dokumentation und Überwachung des Fortschritts der Bachelorarbeit von Webdevelopment-Student Kilian Schmidt. Die Ordnerstruktur wird aufgeteilt in 3 Bereiche: Original, Weg1, Weg2
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Turns Arduino controlled relays on and off based on the state of a controller switch
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A device handler used to open and close up to six relays on an Arduino relay board
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Helps you export all the files from ai-challenge.com (it once was a game for programmers where AI-controlled cars fighted each other for places in leaderboard)
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