Projects with this topic
minimal communication platform, think of it as Yo on steroids this is a small iOS demo
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The Realiable User Segment Protocol official library.
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This library enables i2c communication between modules based on commands, enabling other modules to react to them.
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Documents, tasks, boards and other resources targetting the general coordination of the project, beyond technical topics.
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Comunicação Sem Fio para Embarcações Não Tripuladas
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Telepathy is a lightweight Node.js library for remote procedure calls using proxy objects.
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Estandarización y entorno completo del protocolo Pulse
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Socket-based, SSL IM C++ library
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A Swift implementation of the SockTalk protocol
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TCPIP-Client connection and Command.Client creation using SOPAS ET project. Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Creating and using FTP Client Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Creating and using FTP Server Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Using the Fieldbus interface Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Usage of HTTPClient to request resources via HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Connecting and communicating to IO-Link device Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Connecting an MQTT client to an MQTT broker and subscribing and publishing to topics. Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Creating an OPC UA Server which triggers an event. Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Creating an OPC UA Server with a readable/writable variable Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace
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Creating and using a TCP/IP client Topics: #system #communication #sample #sick-appspace