Projects with this topic
Base Code website Desa Tegallinggah
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Sebuah project jonki skripshit teman sekampus, dalam rangka merealisasikan konsep web profil untuk salah satu coffee shop di jogja.
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Tool for Managing Wikimedia Asian Month Events
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Ujian berbasis web dengan codeigniter
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Surat Digital - Pembuatan Surat Menyurat
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The student management system designed for School of Software at Hefei University of Technology.
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Es un iniciador para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web con el framework codeigniter en la versión 4
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Sistem Informasi Nilai
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Website Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perbenihan Jeruk (SIMPEJE) untuk BALITJESTRO (Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika), sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibawah naungan BALITBANGTAN - Kementerian Pertanian
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Retrofocus is a lightweight web application that enables browsing any Apple(tm) Aperture(c) images library !
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Reservasi Ruang Meeting + CMS
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Repair log built to keep track of in-store game consoles.
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Journey Project Codelabs Refill My Bottle
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PT Mulia Sawit Agro Lestari Group - Wahyu Fatur Rizki