Projects with this topic
Package libxdmcp is a ccgo/v4 version of libXdmcp.a, the X Display Manager Control Protocol library.
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Package libfreetype is a ccgo/v4 version of libfreetype.a (FreeType,
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Package libsamplerate is a ccgo/v4 version of libsamplerate.a (
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Package libquickjs is a ccgo/v4 version of libquickjs.a, a library implementing an embeddable Javascript engine.
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Package libxcb is a ccgo/v4 version of libxcb.a, a library implementing the client-side of the X11 display server protocol.
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Package libx11 is a ccgo/v4 version of libX11.a, a library implementing the Core X11 client protocol.
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Package libxrender is a ccgo/v4 version of libXrender.a, an image composition library extension of the Core X11 client protocol.
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Package libfontconfig is a ccgo/v4 version of libfontconfig.a, a library providing configuration, enumeration and substitution of fonts to other programs.
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Package libXft is a ccgo/v4 version of libXft.a, the X FreeType interface library.
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Package libtcl9.0 is a ccgo/v4 version of libtcl9.0.a, the Tool Command Language (Tcl) library.
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ibsqlite_vec provides a CGo-free version of libsqlite_vec0.a
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