Projects with this topic
Package libqbe is a ccgo/v4 version of QBE in a library form (https://c9x.me/compile/)
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Backend для веб-приложения Expense Tracker.
Приложение для бюджетирования расходов, заточенное под путешественников.
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The OpenSource Mediathek of Tomorrow. The Backend-Server component which needs a PostgresSQL (or CockroachDB) and OvenMediaEngine Server
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LeBonCoin technical assessment.
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Como leer un archivo json y extraer la información de forma dinámica. Se ha diseñado una base de configuración para operar sobre estos archivos de forma nativa.
Gracias a Alexys Lozada Desde https://youtu.be/PaDQhW6KBfw
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Yet another REST API boilerplate project.
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Konga is a full-fledged management interface for Kong API Platform (https://konghq.com/)