Tailwind CSS
Projects with this topic
This is the main homepage (frontend) for the STR 2026 built with Nuxt. https://str.jemk.ch
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This project is a simple online food shopping website designed to allow users to browse and purchase a variety of food items. The website includes features such as user authentication, a shopping cart, and order management. The goal of this project is to showcase my web development skills and enhance my resume.
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A wiki page created for Atelier Sophie DX
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A personal blog and portfolio site built with Astro, featuring MDX-based content collections, automated date handling, social media-ready image optimization, and tag-based post categorization. Includes custom layouts, icon support, and responsive design.
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This is the personal portfolio of Oliver Hunter (NovaCrypt), it also serves as a showcase for his web development skill set. Live site is hosted on vercel at https://www.novacrypt.info/
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Storybook AddOn that incorporates PostCSS Preprocessor over CSS Modules with Sass support
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Client for emanjaso.eus
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아르바이트와 소규모 사업장의 효율적인 연결을 지원하는 통합 근무 관리 플랫폼
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Tutorial from https://github.com/adrianhajdin/healthcare.
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Описание проекта в настройках
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The frontend of the Dodo application, a personal sample for Dipsy.net, is designed to store German vocabulary and verbs in a modern way, enabling easy retrieval. Built as a single-page application (SPA) using Svelte, TypeScript, Flowbite, and Tailwind, it provides an efficient and user-friendly interface for managing and reviewing language learning materials.
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Linkcitos es una página hecha en ReactJS y TypeScript que te permite compartir tus enlaces de interés en un solo lugar. La página tiene un estilo elegante y utiliza Tailwind CSS.
El proyecto se encuentra bajo la licencia GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.