Projects with this topic
Measure azimuth and distance between two points.
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Extracts Biowallonie (French-speaking Belgian Walloon region organic consotrium) shop locations (points de vent) from the official website's API, geocodes them, and then places them into KML format.
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Extracts Bivak camping locations from the Bivakzone website, and places as many of them as possible into KML format.
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Extracts Co-op locations from the National Co-op Grocers website, and places them into KML format.
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Extracts Croix-Rouge Vestiboutique locations from the official website's API and places them into KML format.
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Plugin QGIS pour répondre au DT/DICT. Voir la documentation : https://oslandia.gitlab.io/qgis/DICT/
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Extracts Ecoshop (Belgian second hand / thrift store) locations from the official website, geocodes them, and places them into KML format.
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ExportDBMapper is a QGIS plugin used to map a export from a PG database to a gpkg file and vice versa.
Documentation: https://oslandia.gitlab.io/qgis/exportdbmapper/.
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QGIS plugin using the public french geocoding API (ADDOK Etalab) as a filter integrated into the locator.
Documentation : https://oslandia.gitlab.io/qgis/french_locator_filter/
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QGIS profiles for demonstration and courses purposes, especially for large-scale QGIS deployment strategies. It contains some tools logic and configurations: constrained seettings, scenario for QGIS Deployment Toolbelt (QDT), startup.py.
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Extracts Greyhound stop locations from the official website, and then places them into KML format.
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SWITCH TO ICEtool -- ICE is a software integrated in QGIS to address the needs of those who make the city and want to deal with UHI.
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Extracts INFRA (Independent Natural Food Retailers Association) locations from the official website, and places them into KML format.
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Plugin to import kml style definitions into QGIS
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Extracts De Kringwinkel (Belgian second hand / thrift store) locations from the official website, and places them into KML format.
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Land Survey QGIS plugin. Documentation published at https://oslandia.gitlab.io/qgis/landsurveycodesimport/index.html
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Extracts Les Petits Riens (Belgian second hand / thrift store) locations from the official website, geocodes them, and places them into KML format.
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Repositório das Lives de PyQgis realizadas no canal.