Projects with this topic
The project provides an example of using SimpleBLE library to scaning BLE devices.
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Application devoted to show how to run neural networks like Yollov3-7 with AuroraOS.
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Remote desktop client application that allows to access to remote desktop via RDP and VNC protocols.
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(WIP) The implementation of audioplayers for flutter Aurora OS (used directly by gstreamer-1.0 without QT dependencies).
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(WIP) The implementation of video_player for flutter Aurora OS (used directly by gstreamer-1.0 without QT dependencies).
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The example demonstrates rendering vector animation and images in real time.
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The working version geolocator for Aurora OS
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An example of obtaining the version of the Aurora OS build engine.
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Application in C++ demonstrates WebRTC audio/video call.
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WIP Not working yet
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(WIP) The Аurora OS implementation of image_picker
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The application demonstrates the launch of binary modules via QProcess
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Collection of icons from Aurora OS. Aurora OS 5 icons are used from Аврора 5 UI-Kit
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Aurora OS example to demonstrate the Call API.
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A tool for Aurora SDK to copy the Qt libraries and plugins that the application uses in the RPM package
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This example demonstrates the plugins usage for connecting a map (MfwMap) to an application, building and displaying routes (MfwOfflineRouting) by points and geocoding (MfwOfflineGeocoding) based on data.
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The MfwMap plugin allows users to display maps based on data, either online or offline. User can draw a variety of objects on the map, interact with them, and style them according to their preferences.