Projects with this topic
The application demonstrates creating a Bluetooth chat profile, launching your Gatt server, and scanning nearby devices.
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The project is an example of connecting libraries in different ways and with different build systems.
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This example demonstrates the plugins usage for connecting a map (MfwMap) to an application, building and displaying routes (MfwOfflineRouting) by points and geocoding (MfwOfflineGeocoding) based on data.
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The project demonstrates installing and using the cartographic MFW library provided in a binary way. This application is a template for developing your own mapping applications. The example branch corresponds to the application code for 5th version of the Aurora OS. The example_4 branch corresponds to the application code for 4th version of the Aurora OS.
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Aurora OS example to demonstrate the QCA Keystore API.
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The application demonstrates the launch of binary modules via QProcess
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Aurora OS example to demonstrate the VideoChat API using the Qt VideoChat module.
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An example demonstrating the ability to run a react application using WebView.
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Application in C++ demonstrates WebRTC audio/video call.
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An example demonstrating the API for developing a VPN application for Aurora OS.
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An example of obtaining the version of the Aurora OS build engine.
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The example demonstrates rendering vector animation and images in real time.
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The application demonstrates the operation of intentions in Aurora 5
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The application demonstrates how webview works in Aurora. To do this, the website of the Aurora developer portal is loaded. There is also a panel showing the network status.
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Full featured image editor for Aurora OS.
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This project is an example of getting a QImage from a video frame obtained from camera video output. The frame is captured in the buffer.
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The project provides an example of interaction with the API of directories available to the Aurora OS application.
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Showcase of the Aurora OS UI components. Both Silica demos and best practices for more complex custom components.