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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.4.1
    aadfb4b7 · update deps ·
    * integration
    * sentry APM integration
  • v1.4.0
    5e73dd04 · remove changelog ·
    * add rejected submissions redirect option
    * add prometheus metrics on /metrics endpoint with basic auth
    * add `email` and `domain` values (if present within submission) to matrix event properties
    * fix rare case with nil postmark client
    * migrate to mautrix-go 0.17.x
    * lower validator log level to warn
    * do not ban for technical endpoints (like /metrics)
    * customizable message template
    * support json submissions (Content-Type: application/json)
    * submissions are sent with `m.notice` msg type
    new env vars:
    * BUSCARRON_NAME_RATELIMIT_SHARED (missed in v1.3.1)
    removed env vars:
  • v1.3.1
    d1171a78 · v1.3.1 ·
    Release: v1.3.1
    ### Features :sparkles:
    * Shared rate limit across forms
    ### Bugfixes :bug:
    * Do not ban internal IPs
    ### Misc :zzz:
    * Updated deps
    * Enabled vendoring
  • v1.3.0
    792c834a · v1.3.0 ·
    ### Features :sparkles:
    * Advanced email validation, using using actual connection to the sender's SMTP address
    * Email spamlist with wildcards support
    * Permanent ban list, based on IP hashes / IDs
    ### Breaking changes :warning:
    * ARMv7 (arm32/aarch32) architecture is deprecated
    ### Misc :zzz:
    * Updated deps
  • v1.2.1
    afdab87a · v1.2.1 ·
    Release: v1.2.1
    * update deps
  • v1.2.0 Release: v1.2.0
    ### Features :sparkles:
    * Spam checker can work with with email localpart list
    * Add optional domain validation on the forms level
    * Add `NOENCRYPTION` option
    ### Bugfixes :bug:
    * Added CORS headers
    ### Misc :zzz:
    * Updated deps
  • v1.1.0
    ef2b1532 · v1.1.0 ·
    Release: v1.1.0
    * automatic confirmation emails with postmark
    * templates support for redirect URLs
    * automatically ban spammers, scanners and bots
  • v1.0.0
    57183207 · v1.0.0 ·
    Release: v1.0.0
    initial release