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  • Eric S. Raymond's avatar
    All tests become producers of TAP, the Test Anything Protocol. · 4e301663
    Eric S. Raymond authored
    TAP is described here:
    One new script, tapdiffer, does most of the heavy lifting.  It gets
    rid of a lot of the hair in the test/Makefile pattern rules.  Other
    sceits including singletest, singlelift, and liftcheck are also
    up-gunned to emit TAP reports.  However, as of this commit,
    nothing yet emits TAP plan lines.
    Various test scripts have been heaily refactored while becoming TAP
    producers; many are simplified using new procedures defined in
    test/ However, no test *logic* has changed; this
    is just a re-skinning.
    No TAP consumers have been assumed or defined.  Yet...
    No Go code or anything else outside test/ is touched in this commit.