Enhancements : Left hand side & menus improvements
Dear developer,
Sorry if I'm asking too much, but I have a few ideas coming (based on v0.0.7) :
Main (icon) menu (the one you can see when collapsed) should, in my opinion, display the icon in the following order : main item > filters > stats > options because I believe they would be used in that order, when looked at from a frequency perspective
Main item of the menu, when opened, should display the Tracking sessions above the Options. Currently, the options are displayed above
Given item nb 2, I would display on option per line, and not the 2-columns layout anymore ... especially since we have line-breaks already appearing. Moreover this could probably enable you to diminish the width of the left pane.
Some labels are, based on a good will, quite long ... and could be shortened Filtrer les points > Filtres Sessions de tracking > Sessions Tableaux de statistiques > Statistiques
Just a few ideas,
Thanks GLLM