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Julien Veyssier authoredJulien Veyssier authored
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Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- mistake in tooltips behaviour
0.2.0 – 2018-02-20
- help dialogs to configure logging apps
- add option to set auto export path #66 (closed) @TMaddox
- countdown to see when is next refresh
- button to manually refresh
- field to restrict public filtered share to one device name #45 (closed) @Mamie
- unit tests + gitlab CI integration + automatic coverage report
- lots of new translations
- show loading animation when importing
- display progression on refresh
- huge interface performance improvements :
- performance improvement : import queries grouped
- performance improvement : smaller track data -50%, faster load
- performance improvement : update lines/points before and after refresh : interface more responsive
- performance improvement : ~12x speedup when adding lots of points, avoid DOM manipulation and generate popups/tooltips only when needed
- performance improvement : filters and options are not red from the DOM anymore
- performance improvement : avoid intermediate function for .on events
- performance improvement : use same icon for all points of a device #76 (closed) @jookk
- cancel refresh if a session is deselected while refreshing
- auto export daily file name mistake
- fix cursor for checkboxes
- word wrap in stat table
- remove useless string replacements
0.1.1 – 2017-12-27
- potential bug in data conversion to new database schema #65 (closed) @kaistian
0.1.0 – 2017-12-25
- all points values are now exported/imported
- lots of translations (Polish, Turkish, Slovak, Portuguese Brazilian, Dutch, Spanish) !
- public shares with filters #45 (closed) @Mamie
- daily/weekly/monthly session cron auto export #55 (closed) @Sander8
- zoom on normal page load #54 (closed) @GLLM1
- dropdown menu style improved
- better session zoom behaviour, zoom on any available displayed content
- let user choose export file name #55 (closed) @Sander8
- apply current filters when exporting session #55 (closed) @Sander8
- move create/import buttons next to the logo
- make session renaming look like device renaming
- allow filters modification when they are activated #55 (closed) @Sander8
- optimization : only load (from server) data in current filter interval #55 (closed) @Sander8
- change filters background color when activated
- fix GPRMC coordinates parsing #58 @namekal
- mistake in session export #52 (closed) @tarator
- bad escaping of user id in controllers
- mistake in session zoom, now zooms on currently displayed content
- newly added points were not draggable
- fix point multiple deletion
0.0.8 – 2017-11-10
- button to toggle line for each device #21 (closed) @Mamie
- statistics table #25 (closed) @dbielz #42 (closed) @Mamie
- german translations thanks to @oswolf
- ability to change a device color (saved in DB) #28 (closed) @Mamie
- display precision circle around points on hover #26 (closed) @Mamie
- ability to delete points #30 (closed) @Mamie
- new style options (line width, point radius, line/points opacity) #29 (closed) @Mamie
- new filter : last day:hour:min #32 (closed) @GLLM1
- option to toggle values display in tooltips #33 (closed) @GLLM1
- option theme to change default colors #34 (closed) @GLLM1
- ability to reserver device name (associate with a name token) #31 (closed) @Mamie
- add latlng and DMS coords in popup #41 (closed) @GLLM1
- ability to rename device and reaffect it to another session #49 (closed) @Mamie
- translations are now available on
- improve filters #12 (closed) @Mamie #27 (closed) @Mamie
- tooltip header is now 'sessionname | devicename' #34 (closed) @GLLM1
- elevation is now displayed as an integer #34 (closed) @GLLM1
- style adapts to theming #34 (closed) @GLLM1
- bigger font for marker letter #36 (closed) @GLLM1
- home made button icons #39 (closed) @GLLM1
- options are in a single column, change sidebar tabs order #38 (closed) @GLLM1
- dropdown menu for device
- put icons in popup #48 (closed) @GLLM1
- save/restore filter values, active sessions, devices states, sidebar status #46 (closed) @GLLM1
- adapt sidebar filter icon to filter state
- fix marker not on top of points after device zoom
- fix impossible to toggle lines for a specific device when global lines disabled
- fix OC/NC script to produce .pot file and to generate .js and .json files from .po files
0.0.5 – 2017-09-30
- point edition (drag'n'drop), deletion #11 (closed) @Mamie
- manually add point #13 (closed) @Mamie
- date min/max point filter #12 (closed) @Mamie
- add 'user agent' point field #11 (closed) @Mamie
- import session from gpx file
- session user share system #10 (closed) @ksarnelli
- improve session list and device list style #15 (closed) @escoand
- hide device list when session is not followed
- display public view page only if session is public
- update all tooltips and popups after renaming a session
- remove map objects when deleting a session
- display long device/session names
0.0.3 – 2017-09-07
- compatibility with Owntracks and Traccar #3 (closed) @escoand
- compatibility with Ulogger and OpenGTS
- take URL deviceid if it's not default or empty, else take app user/deviceid if it's not empty, else 'unknown'
- make two public pages : one to watch, one to track
- able to rename sessions
- add option to make session public. if not, position are not showed in publicWebLog page #5 (closed) @escoand
- change 'precision' table field name to 'accuracy', make accuracy and altitude float #2 (closed) @tcitworld
- for logging URLs : put token and device in URL path instead of a parameter #3 (closed) @escoand
- use a different token for publicSessionWatch to avoid viewers to be able to deduce log URLs #5 (closed) @escoand
- bad osmand parameters
- put default values in GET log #2 (closed) @tcitworld
- bad field types #2 (closed) @tcitworld
- order points by date in SQL query
- remove session name in public URL
- controller warnings
0.0.1 – 2017-08-31
- the app
- from nothing, it appeared
- fix the world with this app