CommandLineError: argument --gpg-options: expected one argument
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tested that this issue still occurs on the latest stable snap (install instructions:, please include the snap version ( snap info duplicity | grep installed
) output:installed: x.xx.xx (xx)
- [] ideally, tested that this issue still occurs on the latest edge snap, if you can test without risking your data. Please include the snap version output:
installed: x.xx.xx (xx)
I am running a backup command trying to use gpg-options and it fails with the error message
CommandLineError: argument --gpg-options: expected one argument
This worked without problems in version 0.8.12
Ubuntu 24.04LTS
(duplicity --version) duplicity 2.2.3
(command line used) /snap/bin/duplicity full --allow-source-mismatch --volsize 1000 --name ${FTP_PREFIX}etc_daily --encrypt-key $BACKUP_GPG_KEY_ID --gpg-options "--homedir=/root/.gnupg" --include /etc --exclude '**' / ${BACKUPTARGETSTRING/etc_full
Steps to reproducee
Run a command using --gpg-options
What is the current bug behaviour?
CommandLineError: argument --gpg-options: expected one argument
What is the expected correct behaviour?
Back up data...
Edited by Cronos Titan