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Daniel Pizetta
1Running with gitlab-runner 13.3.1 (738bbe5a)2 on docker-auto-scale 729897614Using Docker executor with image python:3.8 ...5Pulling docker image python:3.8 ...6Using docker image sha256:a7cda474cef4f5cbc00c8f72b1a1eda717c425fa3994fb90997b0216fc21598c for python:3.8 ...8Running on runner-72989761-project-11909846-concurrent-0 via runner-72989761-srm-1599073366-f4f53a8a...10$ eval "$CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT"11Fetching changes...12Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/[MASKED]/helpdev/.git/13Created fresh repository.14Checking out 929ab33d as master...15Skipping Git submodules setup17Checking cache for default-3...18FATAL: file does not exist 19Failed to extract cache21$ python -V22Python 3.8.523$ python -m ensurepip24Looking in links: /tmp/tmp6ig77aik25Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (50.0.1)26Requirement already satisfied: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (20.2.2)27$ python -m pip install -U pip28Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (20.2.2)29$ python -m pip install -U setuptools30Collecting setuptools31 Downloading setuptools-50.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (784 kB)32Installing collected packages: setuptools33 Attempting uninstall: setuptools34 Found existing installation: setuptools 50.0.135 Uninstalling setuptools-50.0.1:36 Successfully uninstalled setuptools-50.0.137Successfully installed setuptools-50.0.338$ python -m pip install -U wheel39Requirement already up-to-date: wheel in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.35.1)40$ python -m pip install -U virtualenv41Collecting virtualenv42 Downloading virtualenv-20.0.31-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.9 MB)43Collecting six<2,>=1.9.044 Downloading six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB)45Collecting appdirs<2,>=1.4.346 Downloading appdirs-1.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.6 kB)47Collecting distlib<1,>=0.3.148 Downloading distlib-0.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (335 kB)49Collecting filelock<4,>=3.0.050 Downloading filelock-3.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (7.6 kB)51Installing collected packages: six, appdirs, distlib, filelock, virtualenv52Successfully installed appdirs-1.4.4 distlib-0.3.1 filelock-3.0.12 six-1.15.0 virtualenv-20.0.3153$ python -m pip install -U tox54Collecting tox55 Downloading tox-3.20.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (83 kB)56Collecting toml>=0.9.457 Downloading toml-0.10.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)58Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six>=1.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tox) (1.15.0)59Collecting pluggy>=0.12.060 Downloading pluggy-0.13.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (18 kB)61Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: filelock>=3.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tox) (3.0.12)62Collecting py>=1.4.1763 Downloading py-1.9.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (99 kB)64Collecting packaging>=1465 Downloading packaging-20.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (37 kB)66Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: virtualenv!=20.0.0,!=20.0.1,!=20.0.2,!=20.0.3,!=20.0.4,!=20.0.5,!=20.0.6,!=20.0.7,>=16.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tox) (20.0.31)67Collecting pyparsing>=2.0.268 Downloading pyparsing-2.4.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (67 kB)69Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: distlib<1,>=0.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from virtualenv!=20.0.0,!=20.0.1,!=20.0.2,!=20.0.3,!=20.0.4,!=20.0.5,!=20.0.6,!=20.0.7,>=16.0.0->tox) (0.3.1)70Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: appdirs<2,>=1.4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from virtualenv!=20.0.0,!=20.0.1,!=20.0.2,!=20.0.3,!=20.0.4,!=20.0.5,!=20.0.6,!=20.0.7,>=16.0.0->tox) (1.4.4)71Installing collected packages: toml, pluggy, py, pyparsing, packaging, tox72Successfully installed packaging-20.4 pluggy-0.13.1 py-1.9.0 pyparsing-2.4.7 toml-0.10.1 tox-3.20.073$ export TOXENV=py38-metric74$ tox -s true75GLOB sdist-make: /builds/[MASKED]/helpdev/setup.py76py38-metric create: /builds/[MASKED]/helpdev/.tox/py38-metric77py38-metric installdeps: -rreq-test.txt78py38-metric inst: /builds/[MASKED]/helpdev/.tox/.tmp/package/1/helpdev-0.7.1.zip79py38-metric installed: appdirs==1.4.4,astroid==2.4.2,attrs==20.1.0,bandit==1.6.2,certifi==2020.6.20,chardet==3.0.4,click==7.1.2,click-completion==0.5.2,colorama==0.4.3,coverage==5.2.1,crayons==0.4.0,distlib==0.3.1,doc8==0.8.1,docutils==0.16,dparse==0.5.1,filelock==3.0.12,flake8==3.8.3,flake8-polyfill==1.0.2,future==0.18.2,gitdb==4.0.5,GitPython==3.1.7,helpdev @ file:///builds/[MASKED]/helpdev/.tox/.tmp/package/1/,idna==2.10,iniconfig==1.0.1,isort==5.4.2,Jinja2==2.11.2,lazy-object-proxy==1.4.3,mando==0.6.4,MarkupSafe==1.1.1,mccabe==0.6.1,more-itertools==8.5.0,packaging==20.4,pbr==5.5.0,pipdeptree==1.0.0,pluggy==0.13.1,py==1.9.0,pycodestyle==2.6.0,pycycle==0.0.8,pydocstyle==5.1.1,pyflakes==2.2.0,Pygments==2.6.1,pylama==7.7.1,pylint==2.6.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==6.0.1,pytest-cov==2.10.1,PyYAML==5.3.1,radon==4.2.0,requests==2.24.0,restructuredtext-lint==1.3.1,safety==1.9.0,shellingham==1.3.2,six==1.15.0,smmap==3.0.4,snowballstemmer==2.0.0,stevedore==3.2.1,toml==0.10.1,tox==3.20.0,urllib3==1.25.10,virtualenv==20.0.31,wrapt==1.12.180py38-metric run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2340462842'81py38-metric run-test: commands[0] | radon cc -a ./helpdev '--exclude=*/ui/*'82helpdev/__init__.py83 F 243:0 check_hardware - C84 F 656:0 qt_abstraction_information - C85 F 131:0 customize - B86 F 753:0 qt_binding_information - B87 F 192:0 check_installed - B88 F 404:0 check_network - B89 F 550:0 check_conda_packages - B90 F 525:0 check_conda - B91 F 91:0 filter_packages - A92 F 493:0 check_python_packages - A93 F 83:0 print_output - A94 F 587:0 check_qt_bindings - A95 F 607:0 check_qt_abstractions - A96 F 66:0 _run_subprocess_split - A97 F 318:0 check_thread - A98 F 371:0 check_int - A99 F 461:0 check_python - A100 F 811:0 check_path - A101 F 827:0 check_scope - A102 F 300:0 check_os - A103 F 344:0 check_float - A104 F 396:0 check_numbers - A105 F 630:0 check_qt - A106 F 638:0 installed_qt_bindings - A107 F 647:0 installed_qt_abstractions - A108helpdev/__main__.py109 F 108:0 main - F110 F 24:0 parse_args - A11127 blocks (classes, functions, methods) analyzed.112Average complexity: B (5.888888888888889)113py38-metric run-test: commands[1] | radon mi ./helpdev '--exclude=*/ui/*'114helpdev/ - A115helpdev/ - A116py38-metric run-test: commands[2] | radon raw -s ./helpdev '--exclude=*/ui/*'117helpdev/__init__.py118 LOC: 839119 LLOC: 415120 SLOC: 428121 Comments: 54122 Single comments: 37123 Multi: 165124 Blank: 209125 - Comment Stats126 (C % L): 6%127 (C % S): 13%128 (C + M % L): 26%129helpdev/__main__.py130 LOC: 173131 LLOC: 79132 SLOC: 109133 Comments: 13134 Single comments: 13135 Multi: 12136 Blank: 39137 - Comment Stats138 (C % L): 8%139 (C % S): 12%140 (C + M % L): 14%141** Total **142 LOC: 1012143 LLOC: 494144 SLOC: 537145 Comments: 67146 Single comments: 50147 Multi: 177148 Blank: 248149 - Comment Stats150 (C % L): 7%151 (C % S): 12%152 (C + M % L): 24%153py38-metric run-test: commands[3] | radon hal -f ./helpdev '--exclude=*/ui/*'154helpdev/ _run_subprocess_split:156 h1: 1157 h2: 2158 N1: 1159 N2: 2160 vocabulary: 3161 length: 3162 calculated_length: 2.0163 volume: 4.754887502163469164 difficulty: 0.5165 effort: 2.3774437510817346166 time: 0.1320802083934297167 bugs: 0.0015849625007211565168 print_output:169 h1: 0170 h2: 0171 N1: 0172 N2: 0173 vocabulary: 0174 length: 0175 calculated_length: 0176 volume: 0177 difficulty: 0178 effort: 0179 time: 0.0180 bugs: 0.0181 filter_packages:182 h1: 2183 h2: 9184 N1: 5185 N2: 9186 vocabulary: 11187 length: 14188 calculated_length: 30.529325012980813189 volume: 48.43204266092217190 difficulty: 1.0191 effort: 48.43204266092217192 time: 2.6906690367178983193 bugs: 0.016144014220307392194 customize:195 h1: 0196 h2: 0197 N1: 0198 N2: 0199 vocabulary: 0200 length: 0201 calculated_length: 0202 volume: 0203 difficulty: 0204 effort: 0205 time: 0.0206 bugs: 0.0207 check_installed:208 h1: 2209 h2: 3210 N1: 2211 N2: 3212 vocabulary: 5213 length: 5214 calculated_length: 6.754887502163469215 volume: 11.60964047443681216 difficulty: 1.0217 effort: 11.60964047443681218 time: 0.6449800263576005219 bugs: 0.0038698801581456034220 check_hardware:221 h1: 3222 h2: 13223 N1: 11224 N2: 22225 vocabulary: 16226 length: 33227 calculated_length: 52.860603837997665228 volume: 132.0229 difficulty: 2.5384615384615383230 effort: 335.07692307692304231 time: 18.615384615384613232 bugs: 0.044233 check_os:234 h1: 0235 h2: 0236 N1: 0237 N2: 0238 vocabulary: 0239 length: 0240 calculated_length: 0241 volume: 0242 difficulty: 0243 effort: 0244 time: 0.0245 bugs: 0.0246 check_thread:247 h1: 1248 h2: 2249 N1: 1250 N2: 2251 vocabulary: 3252 length: 3253 calculated_length: 2.0254 volume: 4.754887502163469255 difficulty: 0.5256 effort: 2.3774437510817346257 time: 0.1320802083934297258 bugs: 0.0015849625007211565259 check_float:260 h1: 0261 h2: 0262 N1: 0263 N2: 0264 vocabulary: 0265 length: 0266 calculated_length: 0267 volume: 0268 difficulty: 0269 effort: 0270 time: 0.0271 bugs: 0.0272 check_int:273 h1: 1274 h2: 2275 N1: 1276 N2: 2277 vocabulary: 3278 length: 3279 calculated_length: 2.0280 volume: 4.754887502163469281 difficulty: 0.5282 effort: 2.3774437510817346283 time: 0.1320802083934297284 bugs: 0.0015849625007211565285 check_numbers:286 h1: 0287 h2: 0288 N1: 0289 N2: 0290 vocabulary: 0291 length: 0292 calculated_length: 0293 volume: 0294 difficulty: 0295 effort: 0296 time: 0.0297 bugs: 0.0298 check_network:299 h1: 4300 h2: 8301 N1: 5302 N2: 9303 vocabulary: 12304 length: 14305 calculated_length: 32.0306 volume: 50.18947501009619307 difficulty: 2.25308 effort: 112.92631877271643309 time: 6.273684376262024310 bugs: 0.016729825003365395311 check_python:312 h1: 1313 h2: 2314 N1: 1315 N2: 2316 vocabulary: 3317 length: 3318 calculated_length: 2.0319 volume: 4.754887502163469320 difficulty: 0.5321 effort: 2.3774437510817346322 time: 0.1320802083934297323 bugs: 0.0015849625007211565324 check_python_packages:325 h1: 0326 h2: 0327 N1: 0328 N2: 0329 vocabulary: 0330 length: 0331 calculated_length: 0332 volume: 0333 difficulty: 0334 effort: 0335 time: 0.0336 bugs: 0.0337 check_conda:338 h1: 1339 h2: 3340 N1: 2341 N2: 4342 vocabulary: 4343 length: 6344 calculated_length: 4.754887502163469345 volume: 12.0346 difficulty: 0.6666666666666666347 effort: 8.0348 time: 0.4444444444444444349 bugs: 0.004350 check_conda_packages:351 h1: 1352 h2: 1353 N1: 1354 N2: 1355 vocabulary: 2356 length: 2357 calculated_length: 0.0358 volume: 2.0359 difficulty: 0.5360 effort: 1.0361 time: 0.05555555555555555362 bugs: 0.0006666666666666666363 check_qt_bindings:364 h1: 2365 h2: 4366 N1: 3367 N2: 5368 vocabulary: 6369 length: 8370 calculated_length: 10.0371 volume: 20.67970000576925372 difficulty: 1.25373 effort: 25.84962500721156374 time: 1.43609027817842375 bugs: 0.006893233335256416376 check_qt_abstractions:377 h1: 2378 h2: 7379 N1: 6380 N2: 11381 vocabulary: 9382 length: 17383 calculated_length: 21.651484454403228384 volume: 53.88872502451932385 difficulty: 1.5714285714285714386 effort: 84.68228218138749387 time: 4.704571232299305388 bugs: 0.017962908341506437389 check_qt:390 h1: 0391 h2: 0392 N1: 0393 N2: 0394 vocabulary: 0395 length: 0396 calculated_length: 0397 volume: 0398 difficulty: 0399 effort: 0400 time: 0.0401 bugs: 0.0402 installed_qt_bindings:403 h1: 0404 h2: 0405 N1: 0406 N2: 0407 vocabulary: 0408 length: 0409 calculated_length: 0410 volume: 0411 difficulty: 0412 effort: 0413 time: 0.0414 bugs: 0.0415 installed_qt_abstractions:416 h1: 0417 h2: 0418 N1: 0419 N2: 0420 vocabulary: 0421 length: 0422 calculated_length: 0423 volume: 0424 difficulty: 0425 effort: 0426 time: 0.0427 bugs: 0.0428 qt_abstraction_information:429 h1: 3430 h2: 11431 N1: 8432 N2: 16433 vocabulary: 14434 length: 24435 calculated_length: 42.808635307173745436 volume: 91.37651812938249437 difficulty: 2.1818181818181817438 effort: 199.36694864592542439 time: 11.075941591440301440 bugs: 0.03045883937646083441 qt_binding_information:442 h1: 1443 h2: 5444 N1: 4445 N2: 8446 vocabulary: 6447 length: 12448 calculated_length: 11.60964047443681449 volume: 31.019550008653873450 difficulty: 0.8451 effort: 24.8156400069231452 time: 1.3786466670512834453 bugs: 0.010339850002884624454 check_path:455 h1: 0456 h2: 0457 N1: 0458 N2: 0459 vocabulary: 0460 length: 0461 calculated_length: 0462 volume: 0463 difficulty: 0464 effort: 0465 time: 0.0466 bugs: 0.0467 check_scope:468 h1: 0469 h2: 0470 N1: 0471 N2: 0472 vocabulary: 0473 length: 0474 calculated_length: 0475 volume: 0476 difficulty: 0477 effort: 0478 time: 0.0479 bugs: 0.0480helpdev/ parse_args:482 h1: 0483 h2: 0484 N1: 0485 N2: 0486 vocabulary: 0487 length: 0488 calculated_length: 0489 volume: 0490 difficulty: 0491 effort: 0492 time: 0.0493 bugs: 0.0494 main:495 h1: 3496 h2: 28497 N1: 18498 N2: 55499 vocabulary: 31500 length: 73501 calculated_length: 139.36082531977635502 volume: 361.6563306582419503 difficulty: 2.9464285714285716504 effort: 1065.5945456894628505 time: 59.19969698274794506 bugs: 0.12055211021941398507___________________________________ summary ____________________________________508 py38-metric: commands succeeded509 congratulations :)511Creating cache default-3...512.cache/pip: found 665 matching files and directories 513WARNING: venv/: no matching files 514Uploading to 515Created cache516Job succeeded