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use explicit options instead of positional arguments

Use mandatory commandline options instead of positional arguments. Those more clearly state the purpose each argument. Critical parameters like secret or verification keys should be explicitely designated so they cannot be confused with other arguments.

Then "arguments" are left for more regular file parameters, the primary purpose of the command (e.g. "sign, encrypt, decrypt this file", with "verify" being of course the tricky bit).

So instead of:

sop sign --as=text alice.sec < announcement.txt > announcement.txt.asc

We do:

sop sign --as=text --sign-with=alice.sec < announcement.txt >announcement.txt.asc

The idea is to use the --PURPOSE-with pattern (where PURPOSE is sign, verify, etc) that is already used in encrypt --sign-with.

An alternative implementation of this would be to also accept --with as a shorthand of the --PURPOSE-with argument if PURPOSE is unambiguous (like encrypt or sign).

Closes: #7 (closed)

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