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  • 0.4.0
    996e59a2 · Merge branch 'staging' ·
    Sequence model support, with jupyter notebook example, although based in
    sensitive data. This release leads up to but does not include the full Fashion-MNIST example
    with classification networks. This release holds many of the required
    changes for both forward and backrpop with a slightly modified
    decryption method as an explicit node.
  • 0.3.1
    781c94d9 · Merge branch 'staging' ·
    Full forward bugfixes
    Forward pass and certain nodes had some bugfixes when utilised together.
    For instance Loss functions will now need a signal input OR y_hat + y
  • 0.3.0
    e6a9e403 · Merge branch 'staging' ·
    Complete Initial Selection of Nodes
    - Additional neuron nodes such that a complete MNIST graph is now
    - Added unittests for all new and any residual nodes that were not yet
    - Added experimental custom marshmallow field to serialise and
      deserialise numpy attributes
    - Expanded on MNIST example and created a new interactive pyvis graph
      for it
    - Expanded documentation in several places as well as adding a whole new
      category for traversers since there will likeley be various algorithms
      toward stimulating and harvesting the neurons activations.
  • 0.2.1
    e6494035 · Merge branch 'staging' ·
    CNN as CC operations
    CNN has been re-added but split as individual operations that can be
    chained together. This marks the completion of most individual nodes.
    Now we just need to work on the network traversal to handle some of our
    newer but more complex cases.
  • 0.2.0
    614fe534 · Merge branch 'staging' ·
    Overhauled nodes and networks
    Nodes now take centre stage, in a network abstraction. Inheritance and
    complexity has been slashed. Now we have a very simple architecture
    while still having minimal boilerplate/ redundant code.
    This is completeley incompatible with 0.1.1 but this is allowed for
    rapid development untill version 1.0
  • 0.1.1
    Dark Docs
    Documentation is now eye-friendly!
  • 0.1.0
    ee41c945 · Populated network updates ·
    Original ReArray
    This current version represents the nodeless implementation where FHE
    was used in nodeless CNN ANN and activation functions. The FHE
    implementation is based on inbuilt MS-SEAL, abstracted as rearray. The
    intention is to in future split FHE backends into seperate modules/
    plugins, and from now on all layers, activations etc will be nodes in
    our custom graphs.