Enviroplus Pinephone Dashboard
The goal of this project, like it's sibling, is to offer another exciting way to utilize the excellent Enviro Plus HAT from Pimoroni. Unlike the prior versions of this project, this one has been tailored to run on the Pine64 PinePhone! It's important to remember that even though the code for this project was written primarily for, and tested on the PinePhone, it by no means should be limited to just this device. The code here provides the foundation, alloadjustments to be made for other Linux phones, as well as development of new applications using similar framework stacks.
Tailored For Mobile
Unlike the Web and Desktop UI versions of this project, the interface components here have been specifically adjusted and tailored to render properly on mobile Linux devices (i.e. PinePhone). The process was made even simpler because of the flexibilty that each framework offers, especially in terms of UI components, which is why these projects have utilized such technologies.
Building Blocks
The core framework used in this project is React. Like other frameworks, it offers flexible components and structures to build both simple and complex web apps. This project is merely one of thousands of React-based applications, and will hopefully serve as a lfor makers and others to discover new ways to expand their current projects, and maybe even inspire new ones...
React may be the face of this app, but Rust orchestrates it!. The Tauri framework offers versatility similar to that of Electron in terms of allowing developers to create modern, efficient desktop applications. It achieves this the Rust language for backend code handling and system API calls. The goal here was to show that a framework with the power tawesome desktop apps can do the same for mobile devices running Linux such as the PinePhone!
Quick Start
- Make sure you have already gone through the setup process for the enviroplus-python repo to install the necessary libraries on your Raspberry Pi (see below)
- Make sure everything is up and running on your Raspberry Pi!
- Download either the AppImage, binary , or installation file from this repo onto your mobile Linux device
- AppImage:
chmod a+x <appimage> ./<appimage>
- Deb Installer:
sudo dpkg -i <filename.deb>
- Binary:
The preferred method of easily running this app is to utilize the AppImage binary, which has everything required by the app to run packaged in a single file. Most AppImages (including this one) do require a single dependency to be installed named fuse
. Simply use your package manager to install this:
sudo pacman -S fuse
apk add fuse
The code here aims to be a starting point for building other mobile Linux applications using the Tauri framework alongside React (or other frontends). If you plan on testing changes made to this source code, it's imperative that users have rust
and cargo
installed on their system. The frontend package manager of choice used here is yarn
In a nutshell: install rustup
to ensure proper toolchain setup, then run yarn
from the base of this repo to get all other dependencies installed for development. To run the application in development mode with hot-reloading, simply run yarn tauri dev
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you conduct any additional testing and development on another, slightly more powerful, ARM device like a Raspberry Pi 4. While it's possible to make code changes and test them locally on the PinePhone, it's much faster and easier to do so on a Pi 4 first. Then after building your new binary, copy it over to your phone using a commandline tool such as scp
, or a graphical SFTP
It's important to keep the following points in mind when using this app:
If you are running a version of NodeJS > v17.* and want to edit and build the app yourself, you may need to adjust two
lines to the following because of changes to TLS/SSL implementations:-
"start": "cross-env BROWSER=none react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start"
"build": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider build",
The application will immediately close if the Pi server is not running and able to process requests
It is recommended that you assign a Static IP Address to your Raspberry Pi to prevent connection issues, should the Pi be assigned a new IP via your local DHCP service
If your Raspberry Pi happens to be assigned a new IP, the desktop application will no longer launch properly (because it's trying to connect to an invalid address). To fix this issue, simply delete the Local Storage folder on your device to reset the application. Once you do that, the app will launch and prompt you to input the Pi address again
If your Raspberry Pi server address ends up changing for any reason, or you plan on using some other source for retrieving data from, you can easily reset the mobile app by removing local storage data from the following directory:
rm ~/.local/share/com.enviroplus.pinephone/localstorage/*
Enviro+ Install Script For Raspberry Pi
curl -sSL https://get.pimoroni.com/enviroplus | bash
Alternative -> Install and Configure from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/pimoroni/enviroplus-python
cd enviroplus-python
sudo ./install.sh
Note: Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS Lite users may first need to install git: sudo apt install git
- Desktop Project - https://gitlab.com/dedSyn4ps3/enviroplus-desktop
- Learning Guides - https://learn.pimoroni.com/
- Other Services - https://www.nullreturn-it.com
- Creative Tim - https://demos.creative-tim.com/
Support & Other Questions
If you have questions or would like more info on how to set up your project, feel free to reach out.
- Copyright 2022 dedSyn4ps3 (github.com/dedsyn4ps3)
- Licensed under MIT
This project is built on a skeleton using components designed by Creative Tim
Any use, re-use, and adaptations of this project and it's code shall include the above license as well as credit for the components used that were adapted from Creative Tim's work...
- Copyright 2021 Creative Tim (https://www.creative-tim.com)
- Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/creativetimofficial/now-ui-dashboard-react/blob/main/LICENSE.md)