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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.8.1
    5b0ecb82 · Update gitignore ·
    Release damn plugin version 0.8.1
    "Working on" button returns the last commit of each area the mapper
    worked on.
    Jiri Vlasak (2):
          Get working on that are distinct
          Update gitignore
  • v0.8.0
    Release damn plugin version 0.8.0
    Jiri Vlasak (1):
          Use changeset comment from the area
  • v0.7.0
    Release damn plugin version 0.7.0
    Jiri Vlasak (2):
          Set download notes automatically based on area
          Download notes periodically
  • v0.6.0
    Release damn plugin version 0.6.0
    Jiri Vlasak (2):
          Add editorconfig
          Add option to download notes automatically
  • v0.5.0
    Release JOSM damn plugin version 0.5.0
    Add button for getting area's (border) geometry. Use server API v0.3.0.
    Jiri Vlasak (6):
          Merge branch 'hotfix/0.4.1'
          Generalize add damn layer for area geometry
          Add get area geometry action/callback
          Make coords to trkseg standalone function
          Add coordinates of all features
          Use server api v0.3.0
  • v0.4.1
    Release version 0.4.1
    - Download tmp data only when mapping.
  • v0.4.0
    e0ed684c · Remove changelog ·
    Release version 0.4.0
    - Map/review oldest square.
    - If available, download tmp data from the damn server.
  • v0.3.0
    4eb22aba · Update changelog ·
    Release version 0.3.0
    - Set default map/review actions by click on dialog window.
    - Update to API v0.2.0 (see
  • v0.2.1
    5cd76729 · Update changelog ·
    Release version 0.2.1
    - Support for multipolygon squares.
    - When finishing square, always enable choosing from *to map*, *to review*,
      *done*, and *split*.
    - Use `try...catch`.
    - Do not redraw dialog when settings changes.
    - Color of squares.
    - Split square.
  • v0.2.0
    3f80388e · Update changelog ·
    Release version 0.2.0
    - Use user's `commits` instead of deprecated `workingon`.
    - Look of area, list of areas, list of workingon, mapping/reviewing square.
    - Readme and changelog format.
  • v0.1.2
    7a070f24 · Update changelog ·
    Release version 0.1.2
    ### Added
    - Let mapper post own message.
  • v0.1.1
    4913d9f2 · Update changelog ·
    Release version 0.1.1
    ### Changed
    - Map random square by default.
  • v0.1.0
    e8bf5ddd · Update changelog ·
    Release version 0.1.0
    ### Added
    - Changelog, license, readme.
    - Gradle JOSM plugin skeleton.
    - Authenticate to OpenStreetMap server.
    - Get areas, get working on.
    - Show area.
    - Post map, review area requests to damn server.
    - Post map, review, split, and done square actions.
    - When got square, add border and dowload data from OpenStreetMap. When
      finishing square, forbid finish when data needs upload to the server.
      When finished, remove border and data.
    - Javadoc and Gitlab CI/CD.