--iter-time behaves differently for different hashes
Issue 185 by J.Fi... on 2013-11-27 10:54:29:
I've tried luksFormat --iter-time=100000, i.e. requesting 100s of PBKDF2 iterations with different hashes and then I was measuring how long does luksFormat and then luksOpen take.
The surprising results on at least 4 computers, using different CPUs and different crypto backends are always the same:
sha1, ripemd160: format 124s, open 110s
sha256, sha512, whirlpool: format 75s, open 61s
I suppose the iter-time is for open, then sha1, ripemd160 are fine and sha256, sha512 and whirlpool MK iterations are lower by 40%?
Also it seems, that the iterations per second reported by "cryptsetup benchmark" are like almost exactly 5 to 9 times higher than the one I get dividing the MK iterations by the luksOpen time. And it is 5 times for sha256, sha512, whirlpool and 9 times for sha1, ripemd160.
Also 9/5 is the ratio of 110/61. The same happens also if I request 10s iterations instead of 100s.
*My script:
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=10 of=$file &>/dev/null
cryptsetup benchmark | grep PBKDF
for i in sha1 sha256 sha512 ripemd160 whirlpool
echo "*********************************************************************"
echo "luksFormat"
time echo a | cryptsetup luksFormat -q --use-urandom --hash=${i} --iter-time=100000 $file
cryptsetup luksDump $file | grep Hash
cryptsetup luksDump $file | grep iterations
echo "luksOpen"
time echo a | cryptsetup luksOpen $file enc
cryptsetup luksClose enc
rm $file
*Sample result:
PBKDF2-sha1 165704 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha256 102240 iterations per second
PBKDF2-sha512 63750 iterations per second
PBKDF2-ripemd160 143404 iterations per second
PBKDF2-whirlpool 69423 iterations per second
real 2m4.983s
user 2m3.959s
sys 0m1.030s
Hash spec: sha1
MK iterations: 2037500
real 1m50.759s
user 1m50.360s
sys 0m0.344s
real 1m15.711s
user 1m15.241s
sys 0m0.433s
Hash spec: sha256
MK iterations: 1250000
real 1m1.664s
user 1m1.347s
sys 0m0.238s
real 1m14.874s
user 1m14.205s
sys 0m0.659s
Hash spec: sha512
MK iterations: 775000
real 1m1.651s
user 1m1.203s
sys 0m0.397s
real 2m4.695s
user 2m4.025s
sys 0m0.657s
Hash spec: ripemd160
MK iterations: 1737500
real 1m50.925s
user 1m50.514s
sys 0m0.354s
real 1m16.590s
user 1m15.939s
sys 0m0.643s
Hash spec: whirlpool
MK iterations: 837500
real 1m1.296s
user 1m0.982s
sys 0m0.242s