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  • Milan Broz's avatar
    Fix PBKDF2 iteration benchmark for longer key sizes. · 4609fd87
    Milan Broz authored
    The previous PBKDF2 benchmark code did not take into account
    output key length.
    For SHA1 (with 160-bits output) and 256-bit keys (and longer)
    it means that the final value was higher than it should be.
    For other hash algorithms (like SHA256 or SHA512) it caused
    that iteration count was smaller (in comparison to SHA1) than
    expected for the requested time period.
    This patch fixes the code to use key size for the formatted device
    (or default LUKS key size if running in informational benchmark mode).
    Thanks to A.Visconti, S.Bossi, A.Calo and H.Ragab
    ( for point this out.
    (Based on "What users should know about Full Disk Encryption
    based on LUKS" paper to be presented on CANS2015).